
JUST Creative FLAIR™

Join 30k+ brand-builders, designers & entrepreneurs elevating their business through strategic branding, marketing and design. Join if you Dare to Flair!

You're gonna love this!

Hello new & old friends! Jacob Cass here. Who the flock is Jacob Cass, you ask? 🦩 Well, let me reintroduce myself—since over 20,000 of you have joined the flock since my last newsletter! You might know me as the host of the Brand Builders Summit from just four weeks ago (wow, time flies!) Or perhaps from my blogging days over 15 years ago. Either way, I’m thrilled to have you here! I’m all about helping designers, creatives, and entrepreneurs crush their goals through branding, strategy, and...

[✖️] Day 4 — The Business of Brand — is here!

TODAY'S EMAIL IS SPONSORED BY (Free 30-Day Trial + 25% Off for 3 Months) Moxie can't run your business for you, but they can make it easier with their stupid-good tools for brand builders like yourself. Enjoy a free 30-day trial and 25% off your Moxie subscription for the first 3 months with the code ‘BRANDBUILDERS’. [✖️] Day 4 — The Business of Brand — is here! Reader – Can you believe we’re already on Day 4 of the Brand Builders Summit? The x-citement continues! Today’s focus is on the...

[✖️] Day 3 — Growing Brands — is here!

TODAY'S EMAIL IS SPONSORED BY Your US-Based Creative Team Led by a Creative Director Say goodbye to limited and expensive in-house creative teams, slow and costly traditional creative agencies, and unreliable offshore freelancers. Get a 2-Week Trial. [✖️] Day 3 - Growing Brands! Reader – I can see your big brand brand x-panding by the minute! Yesterday’s sessions were a goldmine of insights from some of the industry’s biggest names. Just check us out living our best brand lives! But hold onto...

[✖️] Day 2 — Brand Design — is here!

TODAY'S EMAIL IS SPONSORED BY The Ultimate Creative Subscription Envato is the unlimited creative subscription. Get unlimited downloads of 19+ million creative assets. From just $12.71/month. Save 30% with our x-clusive offer.Discount applied automatically on final page of checkout. Save 30% on Envato [✖️] Day 2 - Brand Design Reader – wow, day one of the Brand Builders Summit was absolutely x-cellent! From the x-traordinary sessions with our speakers to the insightful Q&As, Lunch & Learn,...

[✖️] Day 1 — Brand Strategy — is here!

TODAY'S EMAIL IS SPONSORED BY BRANDBUILDR.AI Brand Strategy - Smart & Simple is built specifically for the next generation of BrandBuildrs for any business with any audience in any market. Simply follow the steps, leverage AI-driven insights, and produce comprehensive guidelines and action plans for your clients and teams. Start Building Now - It's Free! [✖️] Day 1: Brand Strategy is here! Are you x-cited, Reader? Day 1 of the Brand Builders Summit has finally arrived! Today is...
Ian Paget Podcast

🤫 Logo Design Secrets

Logo Design Secrets with Ian Paget Hey friend! What a treat it was to sit down with Ian Paget , the creative mastermind behind Logo Geek to tuck into one of my true passions, logo design! Our conversation with begins with Ian sharing his journey into logo design which was very much intertwined with my own journey. Then we delve into the value of logos, their role in branding, and examine real-world examples of impactful logos. Plus: What makes a good logo Common logo design pitfalls How to...

The craziest thing I've done

This is quite possibly the craziest thing I've done! Hey friend! This is quite possibly the craziest thing I've done. Hosting 30+ live events from 11PM to 8AM (Aussie time) over 4 days. All for free at the Brand Builders Summit happening later this month! Flocking madness or dedication?! 🦩🤪 Check the schedule below (shown in CT time) and choose which mentors you want to speak with LIVE at the summit. The graveyard shift is scary. But that's what you gotta do when you live in Australia and...

[✖️] Last 6 Speakers Revealed + NEW Podcast Out Now!

[✖️] Business of Brand Speakers Announced! Hey friend! X-emplary! That's how you could describe the industry x-perts we have lined up for you at the Brand Builders Summit! We've now announced all speakers for the summit including our last 'Business of Brand' track on Day 4. ✅ Brand Strategy ✅ Brand Design ✅ Brand Growth ✅ Business of Brand But wait... there's even more coming next week! Stay tuned for our Live Panelist X-perts being announced next week. -- As a reminder, The Brand Builders...

You won’t believe where my last lead came from

You won’t believe where my last lead came from Hey friend! I asked a recent lead how they found me. You will never guess where... (And this was a first for me!) They asked ChatGPT for the 'best freelance brand designers'. I checked it myself, and there I was at #1! Unflockin' believable! (And of course, #AI is never wrong 😅) Right beside Chris Do, David Airey, Debbie Millman and more. The big question is... how can we purposefully rank in ChatGPT? Is this an untapped resource? I went straight...

[✖️] Meet the X-perts: Brand Growth Speakers Revealed!

[✖️] Brand Growth Speakers Announced! Hey friend! So far we have announced our Brand Strategy + Brand Design speakers and this week I am x-cited to share the Brand Growth speakers for the Brand Builders Summit (Aug 27-30) The Brand Growth day is focused on How to Grow Brands... think personal branding, funnels, marketing, leadership, innovation, planning & scaling. We've now announced 18 of 24 speakers and next week we will announce the Business of Brand speakers. And finally there will be 6...